ESP 2006 Viper Standard Satin Urban Camo
Ibanez 2006 Prestige RG 20063 Puzzle Natural
Yamaha 2006 LJ-66 Custom Momiji #081
ESP 2005 MII Standard Satin Urban Camo
Ibanez 2005 Prestige RG 20051 Black & White Swirl #21 of 50
Takamine 2005 Grand Ole Opry 80th Anniversary #64 of 80
D'Angelico 2005 NYA-2R Yellow Natural
D'Angelico 2005 NYA-2R V-Blue
ESP 2004 Viper Standard Satin Camo
D'Angelico 2003 NYSS3 Amber Natural
Fender 2002 Telecaster Buck Owens Signature Red-Silver-Blue Sparkle
Ibanez 1998 JPM-90HAM 90th Anniversary John Petrucci
Takamine 1998 NPT-212-12 All Flame Koa 12 String
Fender 1997 Will Ray Jazz-A-Caster Hellecasters Limited Edition Signature Series #15 of 500
Fender 1997 John Jorgenson Stratocaster Hellecasters Limited Edition Signature Series #212 of 500
Fender 1997 Jerry Donahue Stratocaster Hellecasters Limited Edition Signature Series EX-Jerry Donahue #63 of 450
Ibanez 1997 J-Custom RG-Gear 1 Signed by Paul Gilbert
Takamine 1997 LTD ‘98 Vintage Natural
Fender 1997 Jerry Donahue Stratocaster Hellecasters Limited Edition Signature Series #156 of 450
Fender 1996 Stratocaster Richie Sambora Signature Paisley #264 of 300
Yairi 1995 YD-80 12 String Vintage Natural
Fender 1994 Stratocaster XII 12 String 3 Tone Sunburst
Ibanez 1994 RBM-100 BK Reb Beach Glossy Black
Gretsch 1993 Rancher 6022C-WF White Falcon